
Izzat Jamal 👋

Let's Build Something Together

Full-Stack Developer

Passionate about building robust and user-friendly web applications. Seeking opportunities to grow and learn in the ever-evolving world of web development.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsTailwind CSSMongoDBReduxNode.jsExpressGitFramer MotionREST APIPostgreSQLPrismaHTMLCSSJavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsTailwind CSSMongoDBReduxNode.jsExpressGitFramer MotionREST APIPostgreSQLPrisma


Publisher Account for Xsolla

Publisher Account for Xsolla

Managing and maintaining the publisher account system for Xsolla platform.

ReactReduxReact QueryStyled ComponentsMaterial UI


Quran Slide Generator

Quran Slide Generator

Quran slides generator for teachers and preachers.

Next.jsShadcn API
E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Store with Admin Store functionality.

Next.jsTailwind CSSShadcn UIPlanetscaleClerk
Employee Management App

Employee Management App

Add, Store, Edit, and Delete Employee data.

Next.jsTailwind CSSShadcn UIZustandSupabase

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